October 9, 2016

Bonnechere Ontario Provincial Park, site 113

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Bonnechere Ontario Provincial Park, site 113

The site 113 is located in the compound adjacent to the Bonnechere river. Although it is not a waterfront site, it is definitely worth looking into.

Bonnechere Ontario Provincial Park, site 113

It is close to the intersection of the internal park access roads. Two entrances allow for the smaller trailer or a camper van drive-through. The image above shows one of the entrances (the site is on the right).

Bonnechere Ontario Provincial Park, site 113

And this angle gives you an idea of the second one (the site is on your left here). That entrance would allow you to back up a good size trailer.

Bonnechere Ontario Provincial Park, site 113

Bonnechere Ontario Provincial Park, site 113

Every campsite in the Bonnechere Park is equipped with two picnic tables and a fire pit with the grill.

Bonnechere Ontario Provincial Park, site 113

This is a look from the back end of the site showing both entrances. The site is spacious allowing for comfortable trailer or motor-home parking or for easy two tent setup.

Bonnechere Ontario Provincial Park, Round Lake beach

The park has a lot to offer, including a Round Lake beach, a play structure, a store, pay phones and hot showers.

Read more Bonnechere Ontario Provincial Park campsite reviews.