January 2, 2017

Fair Haven Beach New York State Park, site 401

Site 401 is located in the Drumlin area of the Fair Haven Beach New York State park.
Rated for RVs, trailers or tents.
Steep driveway.

Fair Haven Beach New York State Park, site 401

Looking down from the access road to the site 401.

Fair Haven Beach New York State Park, site 401
Click on any image for larger view.

Panorama image across the site demonstrates the steepness of the driveway. It is probably not such a big deal for the truck, but may be critical for the motorhome or too large of a trailer.

Fair Haven Beach New York State Park, site 401

Looking up towards the entrance from the back end of the site. You've got a fire pit, a picnic table and some space on the right hand site, suitable for a tent or a trailer.

Fair Haven Beach New York State Park, site 401

Although the site won't offer a water view, it is close to the Sterling Pond shore. You need to get through the bushes to see the water.

Fair Haven Beach New York State Park, site 401
Sterling Creek. Fair Haven Beach NY State Park.

Sterling Pond connects you to both Lake Ontario and Sterling Creek. The latter is great for canoeing, kayaking or fishing in the small motor boat.